Friday, May 20, 2011

Urine Popsicles



  1. And hateful. It's hard to know even where to begin.

    1. The fact that he's Muslim seems to have far less to do with his problems than the fact that he's drunk.
    2. In fact, someone who took Islam seriously wouldn't be drunk, so the problem here seems to come from the fact that he's not Muslim enough.
    3. As far as I can tell, there's no evidence that he intended to make urine into popsicles. (Far more likely explanation: spending most of his day in the truck, he doesn't have a toilet, so peed into a bottle. Storing it in the freezer would keep it from smelling as much. Gross and deplorable, but fantastically bad judgment rather than malice.)
    4. As far as I can tell, even if he did intend to make popsicles, there's no evidence that he would target non-Muslim children.

    What a terribly hateful interpretation.

    Why do we care what Debbie Schlussel thinks, anyway?

  2. I care what she thinks for three reasons:

    1) Dearbornistan
    2) Mitt Happens
    3) Hucksterbee

    She is good with words.
